| continuous

Continuous Competition for Joint Russian and French Research Projects within the Framework of International Associated Laboratories (LIA) and International Joint Units (UMI)

The Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) in accordance with the Agreement on scientific cooperation with Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) proceeds with continuous competition NCNIL_a (with no time limit for submitting an application) of joint research projects conducted by groups of Russian and French scientists.

Knowledge areas

  1. Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics
  2. Physics and Astronomy
  3. Chemistry
  4. Biology and Medical Sciences
  5. Geosciences
  6. Humanities and Social Sciences
  7. Information and Telecommunication systems
  8. The Fundamentals of Engineering Sciences

The Competition supports research being conducted by Russian and French scientists in the research areas of mutual interest.

Attention! A requirement for participation in the Competition is to include the scientific organization, which employs the Russian supervisor of the project, in the Agreement on the establishment of the LIA/UMI, as well as the availability of financial support from the CNRS, which is necessary for work on the project in France. In coordination with the CNRS, within the framework of the Competition 'NCNIL_a' the RFBR funds no more than 5 projects from each LIA or UMI during the term of the respective Agreement on the establishment of the LIA/UMI.

Competition conditions

All kinds of support for basic research are provided by the Foundation on a competitive basis, regardless of age, academic status/academic degree, or position held by scientist.

The Competition "NCNIL_a" is held under the Rules for the main competition of initiative research projects (the Competition "a") in the year of submitting an application; each research group can consist of no more than 10 persons from each party.

A scientist has a right to submit only one application for the 'NCNIL_a' competition as a supervisor, and, accordingly, when the competition is over to become a supervisor of just one joint research project of 'NCNIL_a' competition, funded by the RFBR. Participation in this competition, regardless of an outcome, doesn't prevent an applicant from participating in other RFBR competitions. The duration of each project is 2 or 3 years, depending on scientific plans of the research teams and the period of validity of Agreement on establishing LIA/UMI.

A precondition for granting financial support is the scientists’ obligation to make the results of research available to the public by publishing them in international journals, mentioning that research was funded by RFBR and CNRS.

Financial conditions

Funding for the projects, which have been awarded grants through the competition, is provided as follows: RFBR pays the costs associated with the implementation of the project by Russian scientists, and CNRS by French.

For Russian participants, all the project implementation costs must comply with the 'List of standard costs on research projects implementation, funded by RFBR'.

Attention! For reimbursement of costs for organizational and technical support of the project can be used not more than 15% of the funds.

The decision to continue funding the project for the next year will be made on the results of the expert examination of the interim reports. One of the key conditions for continued funding of projects, selected through international competitions, is a timely submission of the interim reports and a presence of joint publications with foreign partners in peer-reviewed scientific journals (abstracts are not taken into account).


Department of International Connections
Shiryaeva Geyanikolaevna
Phone/Fax: +7 495 952 5579

Represetative Office of CNRS in Moscow
Mironovskaya Tatiana Grigorievna
Phone: +7 495 129 0313
Fax: +7 495 938 2229

CNRS International Relations Department
Mme Caroline Danilovic-Blagojevic
Phone: +33 1 44 96 53 36
Fax: +33 1 44 96 48 56

Source and further infomation: RFBR
